Peran Kyai Dalam Membentuk Adversity Quotient Santri The Role of Kyai in Shaping the Adversity Quotient of Santri

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Miftahus Surur
Moh. Fiki Abdurrahman
Ahmad Hafas Rasyyidi


Kyai has an important role in the birth and growth of a pesantren, including Salafiyah Dawuhan Pesantren in Situbondo. The style and development of pesantren are very much influenced by the expertise, knowledge and ability of a Kyai, including in educating students. This study aims to determine the role of clerics in forming adversity quotient santri in Salafiyah Dawuhan Pesantren Dawuhan Situbondo through a qualitative description approach with two variables, one X variable and one Y variable. Data collection techniques use the triangulation method, while in determining the sample using the purposive method and snowball sampling. This research successfully illustrates that the Kyai has a very vital role in shaping the santri adversity quotient both individually and through collective work.


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How to Cite
Surur, M., Abdurrahman, M. F., & Rasyyidi, A. H. (2021). Peran Kyai Dalam Membentuk Adversity Quotient Santri. Halaqa: Islamic Education Journal, 3(2), 119-122.


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